Why An Effective FAQ Page Matters

Question: What do you do when you’re hungry?
Answer: You eat, of course!

Sure, the above Q&A is a simple one, but think about it from a consumer’s perspective. No matter how perfectly optimized and designed your website may be, people are still asking questions and are hungry for answers when searching online. Make sure your firm’s website is providing them with satisfying content.

People no longer have the patience to poke around online for information on multiple pages of a website. Readers now expect for a site to offer an accessible place to get help. And let’s face it – as a lawyer, you’re in the customer service business. More often than not, people who are looking for your services are anxiously needing answers that ease their concerns while providing clear, comforting next steps. Carving out a space on your website for frequently asked questions gives people a place to turn to when they’re in need and looking for support.

It’s not just for your clients either

It’s no question FAQ pages have the client in mind. Effective FAQs can serve as an early response destination for urgent issues, they provide immediate access to questions customers are likely to have and they can give people an alternate route for information outside of picking up the phone. However, an FAQ section on your website can also have an enormous impact on the overall success of your firm. Here’s how:

It saves you time. As you might expect, frequently asked questions shift the responsibility from your firm’s staff to your website. Instead of getting showered with calls or emails about basic questions, FAQs put the control in the end-user’s hands, allowing them to do research on their own time without having to rely on the response of someone else.

It positions you as an expert. Well-crafted FAQs show off your expertise in your practice area and let people know you’re a leader in the industry. For instance, if you’re a family law attorney in Michigan, including questions about divorce state laws on your page can set you apart from competitors and confirm your knowledge about the law.

It improves your SEO. An overlooked but important part of any FAQ page is the work it puts in on the backend of your online marketing strategy. People are searching online for resolution to a specific need, not necessarily a specific business. Regardless of if they’re looking for your law firm yet, providing answers to questions that resonate with prospects brings your content to the top of the search results.

It enhances transparency. Providing frequently asked questions on your website is a great way to establish trust with readers from the very beginning. When done well, this page can show an understanding of what your clients are going through and that you’re there to help in challenging times. Including your fee structure or initial consultation information on your FAQ page can show you’re not trying to hide anything from clients. (Not to mention it can help set the stage for one of the more challenging conversations attorneys face.)

FAQ best practices

While FAQ pages are a common find online, it doesn’t mean everyone is doing it right. Your page should be a helpful guide for people who may not be ready to call your firm but are looking to see if you’re the right fit. However, it’s not the place to pitch how great your firm is. At the root of all great FAQs is authenticity and value. Keep these tips in mind when you’re writing them for your firm’s site.

Get in the head of your client. Or better yet, talk to them! The most important part of any FAQ page is actually answering the right questions. Go through your firm’s emails and contact forms to see what common questions rise to the top. Also, reach out to current and past clients about what they looked for most at the beginning stages of their journey to you. Knowing what customers are considering before making a purchase is the first step toward success.

Don’t bombard readers with too many questions. Narrow in on what your clients actually want to hear about and stick with those subjects. Too many questions and you’ll lose the reader. Instead, hone in on the top questions your firm receives and group them accordingly, making the page easy to navigate and read.

Don’t hype it up with salesy language. Write answers with the customer in mind, not your business. The purpose of this page is to move someone from a reader to a client. The last thing someone wants in an FAQ is a page full of text about the success of your firm. Answer real questions from your clients honestly, and don’t be afraid to show your personality a bit. Writing in a conversational tone can make the reader feel comfortable and secure.

Don’t forget a call to action. An FAQ is the perfect place for someone to quietly and quickly get answers, but in the end, what you want is a connection. Make sure you have a call to action prominently on display for a seamless transition from an engaged consumer to a connected one.

No matter how you look at it, frequently asked questions are a great opportunity to set the tone for your firm while putting your client first. Need help getting started? Make an appointment below with your local consultant.

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