Shut up and take my money


You know how when you’re negotiating you start with common ground? You review the things you agree on, first, before you talk about anything else?

You do the same thing when addressing a jury.

You want to get your audience nodding their heads in agreement. You want them to see that you are rational and believable because you’re talking about something they already know is true. You want them to trust you, at least insofar as what you’ve talked about so far. And you want to narrow the scope of your conversation with them so you can take them where you want them to go.

It works this way in marketing, too.

That’s why you need to know your prospective clients’ background, experience, and beliefs before you craft (or sign off on) a presentation, email, ad, or other marketng message.

What do they know? What do they want? What do they believe to be true?

Your message to someone who has never used an attorney is going to be different than a message to a long-time consumer of legal services. Your message to someone who knows they need help and is trying to decide which lawyer to hire will be different than a message to someone who is in denial about their problem.

If you want people to relate to you and your message, you have to speak to them in language that resonates with them.

It’s easier to do that when you target niche markets instead of anyone with a checkbook and a legal problem in your practice area.

This will help you find the right niche for your practice


Shut up and take my money